When everything is going right in your life, do you focus on what’s negative? When everything goes wrong, do you choose to think positively? Whether we are facing challenges in life, or good things are happening, we have a choice in how we think about the situation. When negative thoughts crowd our mind, whether the situation is good or bad, it’s called “Cognitive Distortions.” It basically means thinking negatively and not giving room for positive thoughts. Today, we’re going to raise our awareness about negative thinking patterns and explore actionable tools to change cognitive distortion and think more positively. Let’s dive in.
Black and white thinking
This is the process of rigidly thinking in only black or white, with no grey in between. It’s very two different opposites.
This is the process of believing that because something bad happened once, it will continue to happen.
Mental filter
This is the process of dwelling only on the negative details of a situation, instead of looking at the whole situation.
Jumping to conclusions
This entails jumping to a negative conclusion with no evidence to back it up.
“Should” statements
This is when we tell ourselves, “I should do this” or “I must do that.” This thought process can lead to apathy, lack of motivation and more negative thinking.
Labeling and mislabeling
The process of negatively labeling ourselves is counterproductive. Instead of focusing on the behavior we wish to change, we identify ourselves with a critical belief system.
Personalization and blame
This is a thinking strategy where someone assumes responsibility for a negative outcome when there is no basis to do so.
It’s important to find a balance between negativity and positivity. I encourage you to explore the thinking patterns that give you peace and purpose. Remember it’s your own peace and purpose. Take good care and do your healing every day.
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